Breast Reduction

About Breast Reduction

Some females have disproportionately large breasts and may be a reason for backache and fungal infections on the undersurface due to overhanging skin. Breast reduction surgery can solve these problems and give a comfortable size and shape to the patient.

Indication chronic irritation and rash under the breast crease. The weight of the breast is causing pain in upper back, neck and shoulders that require painkillers for relief. Excess breast tissue limits physical activity. Poor self-image, self-conscious, emotional or physical distress. Difficulty in fitting into clothing and bra. Social stigma and unhappy with large breast size & breast sagging

What to expect?

After the surgery, breast is covered with bandage or gauze dressing. Excess of fluid or blood is drained by placing a thin tube under the arms. Results are immediate but take a few months to be completely visible.
For a few days, your breast might be bruised, swollen, sensitive to touch and tender. You might be recommended to wear elastic compression bra to support your breasts during the recovery period. If non-dissolving sutures are applied, then stitches will be removed in 1-2 weeks.
Successful breast reduction gives you a proportionate figure, improves your self-image and increases your ability to take part in physical activity. The results are permanent, however, in the future, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, gravity, hormonal changes and ageing may affect the size and sh1378104197ape of the breast.

Post Operative Care

A cold compress for 48-72 hours to reduce swelling and bruisingFor a few months post-surgery avoid wearing an underwire braLimit your physical activities during the recovery periodMake sure that during the healing period the incisions are not subjected to abrasion, excessive force or motionAvoid getting nipples pierced unless your surgeon gives a green signalDo not lift your hands over the head or bend during the recovery periodRegularly visit your surgeon to check the recoveryTake the recommended antibiotics and painkillers to decrease the chances of infection. Follow the instructions given by your surgeon regarding bathing and cleaning incisions.